Layout Design Interview Question

Layout Design Interview Question

Advantages and disadvantages of MOSFET

Advantages and Disadvantages of MOSFET Scaling

Back End of the Line (BEOL) CMOS Fabrication Process Steps

Crosstalk delay in VLSI

Crosstalk noise in VLSI

Difference between the TTL chips and CMOS chips?

Different Types of IC Packaging

Front End of the Line (FEOL) CMOS Fabrication Process Steps

How can you avoid crosstalk?

How does FinFET reduce leakage?

How multiple vias are used to reduce crosstalk?

How the spacing reduces the crosstalk?

Modes of Operation of MOSFET

MOS capacitance-voltage characteristics


MOSFET Scaling

What are the steps involved in semiconductor device fabrication?

What checks are done in Electrical rule check (ERC)

What is better than FinFET?

What is Bulk Connection in CMOS?

What is Field Oxide?

What is Schematic & Layout Design

What is Standard Cell Library

What is the Depletion mode?

What is the Epitaxial layer

What is the feedback in VLSI?

What is the odd cycle error in VLSI 

Where is FinFET technology used?

Why do we go for FinFET?

Why do we use p substrate in CMOS?

Working of ESD Clamp Circuit in VLSI

Layout Design Interview Question
Layout Design Interview Question

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